Thursday, December 01, 2011

Christmas 2011

December 2011
Well, it's that time again...the Elf has been visiting us from the North Pole. Thomas, our spunky two-year-old, has given our special elf the name, "Goofy!" Every night he reports back to Santa in the North Pole about Thomas. Thomas knows he can't touch him or he will lose his magic and he is very quick to give us the same command, "don't touch Goofy, he will get sick and have to go to the ER!"
We are truly enjoying this stage in Thomas's life, it seems like just last week he was a little 8 pound bundle and now he is walking, no, running, talking, climbing, jumping, coloring, happy and, yes, sometimes we see a little of the terrible-twos. For the most part, he is as pleasant and playful as can be. He attends a Parents Day Out program at a church just down the street two days a week and loves it. He has learned so much and made many friends. He is quite the social butterfly.
As for Carter and Susan we are doing the same. Carter is still a conductor for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad. Susan is still working weekends in the NICU, hoping to change her schedule at the beginning of the year to work during the week so we can be more involved in our church.
Petey and Zena have finally become used to having a toddler around, they are good dogs despite the "abuse" Thomas unleashes on them daily. The phrases, "don't pull her tail," and "please don't poke Petey in the eyes" have become like a broken record around here. The dogs are now very good at hiding in corners when Thomas is in the room!
We have been blessed beyond belief to find a wonderful friend to watch Thomas while we are at work. Thomas loves Oma and we are so grateful for her willingness to care for our baby!
That's all the news that's fit to print from the Caugh Corner. We pray you have a healthy holiday season! In closing, have a wonderful New Year and may Christmas blessings be yours.
Love,Carter, Susan, and Thomas

December 2011
Well, it's that time again...the Elf has been visiting us from the North Pole. Thomas, our spunky two-year-old, has given our special elf the name, "Goofy!" Every night he reports back to Santa in the North Pole about Thomas. Thomas knows he can't touch him or he will lose his magic and he is very quick to give us the same command, "don't touch Goofy, he will get sick and have to go to the ER!"
We are truly enjoying this stage in Thomas's life, it seems like just last week he was a little 8 pound bundle and now he is walking, no, running, talking, climbing, jumping, coloring, happy and, yes, sometimes we see a little of the terrible-twos. For the most part, he is as pleasant and playful as can be. He attends a Parents Day Out program at a church just down the street two days a week and loves it. He has learned so much and made many friends. He is quite the social butterfly.
As for Carter and Susan we are doing the same. Carter is still a conductor for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad. Susan is still working weekends in the NICU, hoping to change her schedule at the beginning of the year to work during the week so we can be more involved in our church.
Petey and Zena have finally become used to having a toddler around, they are good dogs despite the "abuse" Thomas unleashes on them daily. The phrases, "don't pull her tail," and "please don't poke Petey in the eyes" have become like a broken record around here. The dogs are now very good at hiding in corners when Thomas is in the room!
We have been blessed beyond belief to find a wonderful friend to watch Thomas while we are at work. Thomas loves Oma and we are so grateful for her willingness to care for our baby!
That's all the news that's fit to print from the Caugh Corner. We pray you have a healthy holiday season! In closing, have a wonderful New Year and may Christmas blessings be yours.
Carter, Susan, and Thomas