Monday, January 07, 2008

The Big Apple at Christmastime!

Hi! We hope your holidays were fun and eventful! We sure enjoyed spending a quiet Christmas at home with our puppies (spoiled rotten!) hee hee!! We were fortunate enough to go to NYC for a few days in December and we took lots of pictures and saw every building and street you see in the movies. It was Carter's first time in the city and we had so much fun!

Here we are at Tiffany and Co. No, I didn't get a little blue box in my stocking nor did we have Breakfast at Tiffany's but it was sure fun to look around!!

Susan in the "Newborn Nursery" at FAO Schwartz and Co. The employees that work in that department are dressed up like nurses. What a fun job!!

Also at FAO Schwartz at Legoland! These Starwars guys were made out of legos! So was Harry Potter, Darth Vader, SpongeBob and Santa! It was amazing!

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