Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fishing with Dad

Carter's Dad came out for a wonderful visit! The two Caugh men ventured out many a morning in the wee hours to catch some fish at nearby lakes and ponds!

One morning Jeff Kartheiser, Dad, Carter, and Susan went fishing and caught a bunch of catfish and blue gill!

Carter's big catch of the day.......

Even though Susan was bought a nice Shakespeare "Ugly Stick" in pink, she still couldn't touch the fish after being smacked in the face by a catfish trying to get off her fish hook!

All in all, it was a great day of fishing and catching!

Great supper that night too!

We took Dad to Beale Street and had a "bluesy" time at BB King's!

Snapped this shot while Dad was at rest among nature in our back yard with his new hunting chair!

We had a wonderful visit and hope that Memphis will be a frequent vacation spot for the Caugh family!

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