Thursday, June 04, 2009

Baby Shower!

We couldn't have planned a better day for the baby shower which happened to fall on my birthday! It was so much fun! My work friends from Le Bonheur came, and my Mom and Mary Ellen drove from Tucson to celebrate with me! We had a great time!

Mary Ellen, me and Mom before the shower!

The cake was adorable and delicious and made by a nurse friend of mine who has a cake business on the side!

Sandi and Thea Stoll celebrated with us too! It was so much fun to have all my friends there!

My best friend Holly who made it all possible! You are a true friend Holly! :)

Leave it to NICU nurses to find the CUTEST baby items and clothes! :)

It was a great turn-out and we had so much fun! Thank you all for the gifts and accessories! We can't wait to meet our little guy and start using all the new baby things!

Nearly 33 weeks.

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