Friday, December 04, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

December 2009

Well…that time of year is upon us again and as Santa Claus would say, the Caugh’s have had quite an adventurous “sleigh ride” of a year for 2009. We are definitely counting our blessings as so many changes have taken place for us for the better!

As we mentioned in our newsletter last year we had a bouncing baby boy in July. Thomas Solomon Caugh came “Caesar’s” way in July after 32+ hours of labor but it was all worth it and we couldn’t be happier! Susan said she would do it all over again as Thomas is just the happiest and most delightful infant! He is four months old and doing all the appropriate things; drooling, cooing, laughing, crying, smiling, and rolling over. His newest trick is grabbing everything in sight and putting it in his mouth. Knock-on-wood, we haven’t been sick at all this year! Thomas has been the best blessing to us! He just loves his Daddy and gives him the biggest toothless grins ever!

Carter was busy this year building all of the nursery furniture. The crib, changing table/dresser, and lamps are all made with the marbles Carter won when he was a child. It was neat to see that incorporated into our son’s furniture. Carter is just amazing. You can see the construction and finished products on our website! Carter is still working for the railroad. He has been there for 5 years and we have been very lucky that he doesn’t do a lot of traveling; he mostly stays in Memphis and works in the Memphis yard. He has been able to spend a whole lot more time with the family this year.

Susan worked up until her due date in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Germantown and at Le Bonheur as well as St. Francis NICU PRN and was able to take four months off. This was the best time off she has ever had! The first month was rough (not that we’re complaining) but once Thomas was on more of a schedule, especially at night, we were all a little more rested. She has since gone back to working weekends at Germantown NICU and is off during the week to spend with Thomas!

We were very fortunate that family from Tucson and Syracuse came to visit and meet Thomas. Mary Ellen and Barbara came out and stayed for several weeks after Thomas was born which was a HUGE help to sleep-deprived parents! Once the moms left we decided that we should put our house on the market, four days later we had an offer on the table and were signing a contract. We had to find a new house fast! We found a beautiful 5 bedroom home in the heart of Cordova, TN and we just love it! Larry visited for a few days as well as Kathy, Liam, and Mary Ellen.

Barbara has temporarily (hopefully permanently) moved to Cordova to help watch Thomas on the weekends so Thomas’s mom and dad could work without worrying about childcare. She has been a huge blessing to us and Thomas and we feel so lucky that she has chosen to stay with us and Thomas!

We are so excited and blessed to have baby’s first Christmas this year. We send our love and have a happy healthy new year!

Love, Carter, Susan, Thomas, Zena, and Petey

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