Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of our friends and family. We can't wait for Christmas to see Thomas open his presents (although he will be more impressed by the box it came in or the bows.) Looking forward to seeing Dad, Donna, and Christopher the week of Christmas. We are hoping Susan's Mom will be able to join us on Christmas as well. She is in Syracuse with her sister, Susan's Aunt Peggy, and enjoying her retirement along with Aunt Peggy's new retirement status! They will be spending a lot of their time at their house in the Adirondack mountains. Watch out for Thelma and Louise if you are in Syracuse this winter!!!

We are still enjoying our new home. Can't get used to all the space we have, lots of empty walls still but slowly we will be decorating and filling space!

We went to Kauai, Hawaii this summer for our 10th year anniversary. Although Susan's back was hurting her we had a fun week there anyway. Carter went ziplining, we snorkled and rode a helicopter for a tour of the island. It was breathtaking! We feel very fortunate that Susan's mom was able to watch Thomas the week we were gone!

Susan is still saving babies at the Germantown NICU. Carter is still conducting at BNSF.

Thomas is growing like a weed, hitting milestone after milestone that just amazes his Mommy and Daddy. His newest trick is eating with a spoon (with a little guidance.) He loves it, he is so proud that he can feed himself (and the dogs) and often claps after each spoonful. He is the light in our lives and is sooo much fun! He is a very busy 16-month old boy but between the two of us we can keep him under control (climbing on tables, chairs, and desks.) He had his first birthday in July and ate cake for the first time ever. He LOVED it!

Susan had a rough summer and beginning of Fall with back problems. She suffered a sacral fracture and was on bedrest for many weeks. But today she feels great thanks to many prayers, Carter, and Susan's Mom as they took the greatest of care for her.

Well, I think it's time to "wrap" this up. We pray your holidays are full of memories and Christ's abundant love!

All Our Love,

Carter, Susan, and Thomas

"...for unto us a child is born..." Isaiah 9:6

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